UN-CERTAIN (November 2018)
Video (4.26 Minutes)
By Lohan Gunaweera

Four steps forward. Four steps back. A dead end. UN-CERTAIN attempts to look at and respond to the uncertainty that prevails in the current socio-political moment. We are witnessing the deterioration of the foundations of nation, the nation state, and “country”. The nationalist world outlook faces a dead end.

UN-CERTAIN was first exhibited on the 11th November 2018 as part of the Open Studio of the moving image workshop ‘Hybrid Discourse: art, science, media, and material’ held at Theertha Red Dot Gallery, Borella. The workshop was conducted by Bharathesh GD from the 7th – 11th of November 2018, a week of extreme political and social turmoil in Sri Lanka. It was inevitable that some of the works produced during the workshop dealt with the unravelling crisis.

රට, දේශය, ජනරජය, நாட்டின், குடியரசு, … (Country, land, nation, republic in Sinhala and Tamil) are repeated forward and backward/reversed in the soundtrack, sometimes remixed and mashed up with a popular patriotic song. Videos were shot using Boomerang mobile app on a Samsung s4 phone. Edited with Kdenlive.