Vote for a good cause!!!

URGENT!!! Please vote.

This is for the place [info]vulpine137s mom lives.

I need a favor. My mother lives in a retirement community, and they are currently enrolled in a contest to win a van for the community. Alot of the people living there (my mother included) can’t drive, so the community having a van to run people around to the store or the doctor or whatever is a very good thing. So, I’m asking nicely, please go to Allen Samuel’s Community Van Giveaway and vote for ‘Wildflower Place’ (#4 down on the list). No registration, no giving info, just a check and a click so some little old ladies and gentlemen can get a van. I would GREATLY appreciate it, if you can.


PS. Please feel free to spread around if you feel moved too. It would be appreciated :) Voting ends Thursday. Hurry up!